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Executive Summary

For Faculty and Administrators

  • Physics innovation and entrepreneurship (PIE) education better prepares students for 21st century careers.
  • PIE education makes the discipline more attractive to potential students, sustaining and increasing enrollments.
  • PIE connects physics and social impact that is attractive to students and prepares them to leverage their physics training in diverse careers, without reducing the physics content delivered to students.
  • The PIPELINE* project developed and makes available tested approaches to incorporate PIE in the student experience.
  • PIPELINE has identified barriers to PIE implementation among physics students and faculty and has recommended actions to address --these concerns and support successful implementation of PIE.
  • Academic institutions can leverage their alumni networks, regional businesses, economic development organizations, and other regional development organizations.

For Funders, Professional Societies, and Industry

  • PIE supports the strategic goals of societies and industry and increases the impact of physics education.
  • Academic research should expand to include projects with commercial applications and industry partnerships.
  • Funding agencies should support research that includes industry partnerships and/or involves commercial applications.
  • PIE should be broadly disseminated across academic departments and promoted by professional societies through publications, conferences, and media.
  • Companies should actively engage with physics education, including participating in courses and projects, contributing to faculty development, and providing opportunities for student engagement.
Introduction and Overview