About the EPIC Levels and Phys21 Areas
EPIC Activity Levels
The following are guides for the students for which each of the EPIC activities is suitable. Each activity writeup includes a detailed description of its applicability, but the general targets are as follows:
Introductory: Targeted for students beginning study in the field, not requiring prior study or prerequisites. May be designed primarily for 1st and 2nd year students, but may be applicable to upper division students as well.
Intermediate: Targeted to mid-level and advanced students who have some background in physics. May be applicable to upper division students.
Advanced: Targeted at students who have had substantial background and study in physics. May also be useful for graduate students.
Any/All: Suitable for use with students at all levels and from multiple academic backgrounds (including students not primarily studying physics).
Phys21 Definitions:
Physics Specific Knowledge: content tied specifically to concepts from physics (e.g., energy, momentum, etc.) and core physics topics (electricity and magnetism, optics, mechanics, quantum mechanics, dynamics, etc.).
Scientific and Technical Skills: Skills associated with general scientific abilities, including CAD/design, equipment used in laboratory, industrial, and manufacturing environments, fundamental laboratory skills and equipment, digital literacy including numerical modeling and analysis, commercial software applications, experiment and test design and documentation, error analysis, etc.
Workplace Relevant Skills: Skills associated with career and professional development and success. Includes project and program management and fundamental business and financial skills, intellectual property, and other topics appropriate to industry, government, and academic positions.
Communication Skills: Skill associated with transmitting information to others, whether through written, oral, or digital means. Emphasizes communication with non-technical audiences, co-workers, and other workplace individuals.